Article #1) This article from was about the inauguration of our first black president, Barack Obama. It talked about the huge crowds that gathered by the National Mall, and Obama's touching speech. Then it went on to say how he said good-bye to Bush and about the lunch-in. Later, he rode in a car down Pennsylvania Avenue in a parade to the White House. That night Obama attended ten balls with his family.
I think it's great to have the first black president. I bet lots of blacks around the country are celebrating. I absolutely loved Obama's speech. It sounded like he knew just what to do. A quote from his speech that was in the article is "Today I say to you that the challenges we face are real. They are serious, and they are many. They will not be met easily or in a short span of time. But know this, America: They will be met." I love this quote because it gives a positive vibe. I am now a big fan of Obama, and I believe he is the solution to America's problems.
Article #2) This article from was about the ten different balls that Obama and his family attended. Each one had a different name. A few were the Neighborhood Ball, Home State Ball, Youth Inaugural Ball and Commander-in-Chief Ball. The article also said who was at each ball and who sponsored it.
I would love to attend a ball with Obama! But going to ten sounds a little tiring and boring. A question I have is who sang at the balls besides the Neighborhood Ball? A quote that Obama said in the article is "First of all, how good-looking is my wife?" Speaking of Michelle, I loved her dress! I hope Obama had fun and is ready to be president!
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